Dr. Priya


My Story

This included a double residency in Internal Medicine/ Preventive medicine through the Yale/Griffin Program offered by Yale University, Connecticut and a Master in Public Health degree from Yale school of Epidemiology and Public Health. This was followed by a 3 year Research fellowship in Endocrinology through the NIDDK at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. She then established the University of Maryland Joslin Diabetes center satellite program as a Medical Director, prior to moving to Oregon in 2010 where she worked in group practice initially and then opened her own solo Endocrinology practice. She worked as the Medical Director and owner of Premier Endocrinology Associates in Tualatin, OR from 2018-2021. Within her solo practice, she developed dedicated specialty clinics -CVD risk reduction, osteoporosis, autoimmune thyroid disease with US/biopsy facilities, weight management, Hormone replacement therapy clinic for men and women and a Diabetes Pump/sensor program for diabetes. She also worked as a speaker for Industry and for companies outside Industry. She relocated to Southern Utah in 2021 and is currently heading a visionary Endocrine practice at Vista Health Care, St George.

–> Hormone Health for women, by women

–> Individualized innovative and integrated Solutions by a double board-certified Endocrinologist

    As a woman, I understand women’s hormone health issues keenly. I understand how traditional insurance- based medicine fails to address issues in a holistic manner. I understand how Functional Medicine without a solid traditional Endocrinology training is inadequate in understanding the complexities involved in women’s hormone health

    I have walked the road untraveled- all my life. Long before the term Integrative Medicine was being bandied about in common parlance, long before the first residency program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson under the auspices of Dr Andrew Weil had opened, way back in 1995, I had begun to synthesize my ides on healing the “whole patient”. The fractured template on which western medicine is based had hit me like a bullseye in 1993 when I walked into the SUNY Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. As a fledgling doctor, I carried my discomfort tucked deeply within, too young to even begin to fully fathom the truth of what I was dealing with. The disconnection was so wide between understanding the true underpinnings of common disease and addressing them in a manner that would lend to healing- not merely symptom band aid offerings designed to keep people coming back with more, a revolving door of illness that never got solved. That was just the body. The body-mind disconnect was entirely another topic. The spiritual was completely oblivious.

    So what I am bringing to the table to you is not a superficial grazing of ideas that are on the menu list to sit an exam to get the degree of an integrative doctor conferred on one’s wall- I am bringing you my journey of 25 years- a sojourn that dived into illness and healing head first as I have traversed the depths and breaths of this aspect of health/healing more than anyone I know who carries the title MD.

    So how shall we work on Hormone Health together ?

    My philosophy of medical care involves a “Whole person” approach combining solid, high caliber evidence based traditional Endocrinology, whilst addressing hormonal, metabolic, nutritional, lifestyle and preventive issues associated with or underlying the disease state. Combining this with mind-body medicine/Energy medicine is what I will be offering next.

    Within the world of Endocrinology, I have a special interest in Osteoporosis, autoimmune thyroid disease, Hormone replacement therapy in men/women, obesity/metabolic syndrome. My main focus is Longevity Medicine and Endocrinology of Ageing in women

    Alongside working as a physician full-time, I have pursued a lifelong passion in Metaphysics, Human Potential, Consciousness and Transformation, Frequency/Energy Medicine and East-West Wisdom Teachings. I am a writer, poet, speaker, motivational coach, life coach and explore the frontiers of the Human Consciousness movement.

    I am Offering Consultations on hormone health issues in…

    • Thyroid health
    • Metabolic Syndrome
    • Obesity
    • Osteoporosis
    • Menopause and Bio-identical hormone replacement
    • I offer educational consults on specific endocrine issues when dealing with patients. I do not offer medical advice or call in prescriptions.  If medical advice is needed, patient’s physician can contact me for a peer-to-peer consultation. All this will change in time as I plan to introduce telemedicine